RCL Systems Blog

RCL Systems has been serving the Bellaire area since 1986, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses

Four Things Your Antivirus Fights

Does your business need an antivirus solution to keep threats out of your network? It’s a simple question with a simple answer, but some companies still don’t see the need for antivirus software on their computers. They might think they are immune, but hackers know the truth--and it’s all too apparent in the face of a data loss incident that hindsight is 20/20.

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Why You Should Read the Fine Print Before Downloading Adware

This kind of unwanted software usually populates on the user’s device after the fact, only making itself known once the user has installed their desired software, and accepted the terms of service. If you look closely at what you’re downloading, you might see a checkbox that says “Install (some unknown software or toolbar).” The employee in-the-know might choose to uncheck the box, but there are others who are so eager to get to their new software, that they forsake reading over the terms and services altogether, not caring what they’re agreeing to. This is how crapware tends to spread. Furthermore, many of these programs are created with the intention of turning a profit. When these pieces ...

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3 Common Threats You Need to Know About: Malware, Rootkits, and Trojans

Security is one of the most important parts of running a business, especially today when organizations rely so heavily on their technology solutions. Some of the most dangerous threats lurk on a business’s network, watching and waiting for an opportunity to do some real damage. With the right preventative measures, your business can catch these threats in the act before they can accomplish their goals.

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Advanced Malware is Targeted, Stealthy, Evasive, and Adaptive

b2ap3_thumbnail_advanced_malware_presents_threats_400.jpgThe online world is a scary place. Viruses, malware, spyware, adware, and more are all out there trying to get at your network. These threats are almost always prevalent, but compared to each other, some are vastly superior and far more dangerous and advanced than the others. Advanced malware has the potential to disrupt your business’s operations, cause extensive data loss, and more.

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Houston, Texas